Written by Cakra Adi Negara
Hello what's up guys ! how's you doing ?
my name is Cakra Adi Negara, and today i would be disscuss about hoax topics !
on this millenials era, we are easily can access all of information that comes from the internet without the exception. 2017 is a year of invention technology that we are forced to up to date for modern era.
but just like a coins, modern technology and information is not always giving us a good vibes.
there are also had a negative impact if we didn't consumed the information carefully.
Yup ! this is what i mean..
we will disscuss about the negative ones, and it goes to the false information or we similliary called as a "HOAX" information. Hoax is not a taboo from our society especially on Indonesia.
we often got a news that is still quetionable 'bout the credibility and also validity from the Internet.
that is why a half of our society were sick, being radical, extremis, anti-critics, unresponsible etc.
even the impact of hoaxes information was so closed to our friends, co-worker and family.
In 2014 recorded that is the years of most hoaxes information in Indonesia.
it's because on these year, we are facing up the election for the next president of Indonesia.
following that situation, on this year 2017 are the same record for the most hoaxes information that was shared by the people. it causing of the governor election amongs mr. Basuki Tjahaya Purnama and mr. Anies Baswedan. we knew that governor election had so much controversy because one of the candidate were allegedly for insulting the religion by his speech on kepulauan seribu.
that is causing the media was giving the big spotlight to him until he got charges to the prison.
Following on this topics. on August 2017, I gladly have an opportunity to interview one of the digital analyst that were working on Layaria Network from South Jakarta. he is also my friendlist on Facebook and I followed his updates. I think he is clever enough to be the example of the true millenials person that we need. his name is Dion Widhi Putra, 27yo, life on Wr.Buncit, South Jakarta.
We are already planned before, to makes an interviews about hoax topics.
and his oppinion were awesome just like i told before that he is clever and had an experience on Internet society. well, let's check it out for our intereview transcript below, guys !
Me : C
Dion : D
C : Well hello Dion ! how's you doing ?
D : Hello Chakz ! (that is my friendly name) I'am good !
C : You know that I come here to interview you about the hoax topics, right !
D : Of course, I'am ready to answer your question and try my best.
C : Allright, first question. what is the Internet that you know all this time ?
D : Simply, internet is a brand new technology that is easily can access by everyone.
C : Can you figure it out for specifficaly the meaning of Internet ?
D : Sure, well from my thoughts.. Internet is a giant platform that we can do anything in digital.
we can buy anything, we can watch anything, we can sell anything, we can updated anything, we can consumed anything from the Internet. for simply terms, Internet is our second world right now.
C : So what do you think about the whole of information that comes from the internet ?
D : It is sucks, bro. don't trust anything from Internet. just follow your intuition and be a critical.
C : What does it mean ? is it internet were cause a negative impact to us ??
D : Not really, it depends of our intelligent. if we are skeptical, internet is the place for having fun. but if we are easily being triggered, internet is just looks like a hell. because we can't controll the internet, all information were shared on internet. It including the true information and also false one.
C : What do you think about Hoax Information ?
D : Hoaxes were separated by the two sides. the one is for making fun just like a Creepypasta
and the other one is used for a veiled purposes. Hoaxes is not always bad, we can consumed the good one like creepypasta, urband legend, fairy tales or fictional stories. it is fun to make disscussion about that.
C : How about the other one, hoaxes that is used for the something bad purposes ?
D : Nah, that is the bad one of hoaxes that we have to avoid for. we sometimes getting a provoke news that supposed to make us become anger and judges anything before find out. and unfortunately, people in Indonesia were average consumed the bad one.
C : Why our society are easily being triggered for the bad ones ?
D : It's because of our society were lazy to read. that is our most weakness.
C : So what's your solution to makes internet are got less of hoaxes information in Indonesia ?
D : Can't bro, we can't handle it. it depends of the person itself. if they are lazy to read anything, find out anything, and research. they will be controlled by the bad hoaxes and being utilized by the possesor.
C : Is your family are the one of this categories ?
D : My mom's did, so that is my obligations to reminds my whole family about the dangerous of hoaxes information. i think, i throught of all this education were supposed to be aware and smart.
because my parents were pays alot of money to educated me on a school. so when I graduated and get a job. this is the right time that I will educated them for how to consumed the internet wisely.
C : Wow, that is a good step for you ! and now what is your closing statement to end of our conversation ?
D : Firstly, just don't easily trust anything from the internet. you could become one of them who is dumb by the internet. you must be skeptical, critism, and also smart on using internet.
then, don't be lazy to read. because there are so many clickbait news that will provoke you sometimes. and also consume internet for just a normal portion. you also have a real life that is more important than your digital life. just ballance 'em and you will be good at all.
C : Well, thankyou for the little interviews, Dion ! it was an honour for me to interview you..
D : Your welcome, dude. my pleasure to become of your source for the interview session !
And that is all of my short interviews with Dion Widhi Putra.
we can take the moral message from his punchline that don't trust anything on internet.
just consume it for positive vibes and don't easily distracted by the provoke information.
i hope you guys enjoy my blog, and until next time ! bye !!
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